Traditional Ink Artwork & More.

Hi! I’m Jordan, the artist behind Ink by Jordan. Glad you’re here!

Elements in nature, geometry, and the human figure are all common subjects of my artwork. Since starting my ink art journey, I have taken a liking to the dark and mysterious aspects of the world, blending these themes together with my work. I strive to bridge the gap between what is considered conventionally beautiful and what is considered macabre.

Art has fueled my imagination and creativity at a very young age and has allowed me to bring my crazy ideas to life. More than that, ink artwork has allowed me to explore the boundaries of what "beautiful art" really means. I hope you stick around for the journey!    

Where It All Began

I graduated from Augustana College in May 2017, studying both art and mathematics. Like many other young artists, it wasn't until experiencing post-grad work that I started to really practice and enjoy my creative abilities freely.

As of 2021, I have been partnering with other artists and producers to bring their own creative ideas to live in the forms of cover art, concept art, and more.

Now I spend my evenings with a sketchpad, ink pen, dark chocolate, and 2 glasses of a good red.